Based in London, Eve De Haan’s portfolio is replete with neon artworks, each sharing a different story, thought or catchphrase through short snippets of text. It’s an approach that developed out of her theology degree, where she realised encapsulating narratives through the written word was the best way to evoke collective emotions in an audience. Neon has allowed her to explore “how malleable definitions of words and phrases can be.” Eve’s artworks probe topics including technology, youth culture, and relationships.
Eve takes inspiration from her everyday experiences and she describes her practice as consolidating her thoughts and putting them out into the world. It’s through this avenue that she shares personal narratives, telling us that “expressing my experiences is part of my form of storytelling.” While her work only shares a short part of a story, she sees them as tantalising beginnings that allow the viewer “to complete the story themselves.” On why it’s important to have this kind of connection with her audience, she adds: “I believe storytelling expands the imagination.” Storytelling, she continues, “is a way of carrying culture. I feel it is a vital part of my creative practice. Everything you create is a story, from beginning to end.
Eve has exhibited in Europe and the US in iconic galleries such as the Saatchi gallery and the museum of neon in LA. She recently lead an instagram live for the Tate modern, she has had billboards in London, created artwork for nike and been interviewed for major publications.